Adult Ministries

Adult Ministries

Sunday School

Adult Sunday School classes meet at 9:00am on Sunday mornings for study and application of God’s Word. Classes are generally comprised of people in similar stages of life. Special classes on specific topics are offered occasionally also. Each Sunday there is also a short time of fellowship with coffee & juice served in the Fellowship Hall from 10:00am to 10:20am. You can find a list of all the available classes here.

Women’s Ministry

The Women’s Ministry offers opportunities for growth, fellowship and service designed for women of all ages and stages in life. In addition to the ongoing programs listed on this page, periodic retreats and workshops address specific topics and provide time for rest and reflection.


Sunday nights beginning September 14. The Ladies Navigators 2:7 Discipleship Group will be continuing this September through March of 2015. Any ladies interested are welcome to join.  If you have not completed Book 1 of the Navigators’ 2:7 series but would still like to join, please contact Becky Nichols soon to catch up on a few assignments.  It’s an exciting journey that we’d love for you to take with us!


Thursday Mornings, 10 weeks, 10-11:30AM. “The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in Genesis” by Nancy Guthrie – Cost: $10. Begins September 25th with Debbie Dehart. —-> it would help if this can be expanded just a little bit.

LIFE 101

Learning Inspired by Fellowship and Education, LIFE 101 is a multi-generational women’s ministry of Berean that is designed to provide opportunities to learn new skills while we strengthen relationships and minister to each other. Check our Events page to find out details about upcoming Life 101 events.


Joyful Mom is a ministry that provides wisdom and encouragement for mothers of young children. Joyful Mom meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday mornings of each month from September through May at 9:00am. Nursery/children’s programs also available for children 0-6 years of age.


Adult Choir and Orchestra meet Wednesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:15 pm, September through May. In addition to enhancing corporate worship, the members of the choir and orchestra are involved in special concerts throughout the year. Contact Pastor Steve Nichols if you are interested in joining!


GriefShare is a 13-week, biblically based support group seminar for those dealing with the pain of losing a family member or friend through death. The current session meets on Monday evenings and will run through through December 8, 2014, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.


Community Service Opportunities, CSO, is a ministry team of people that keeps opportunities for serving at the forefront of our thinking and actions. By celebrating and making known service opportunities that exist currently, either inside or outside our church. Whether it’s by cleaning the highway or collecting food for those in need during the holidays CSO wants reach out and serve our community. For more information contact Dick Tyler.

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